Thursday, February 2, 2012

Marketing and Distribution

The Sandlot did not play the festival circuit, but it has been distributed and redistributed over the past 19 years to earn about $76 million. 

The Distributors:

Marketing Strategies:

Though The Sandlot had no specific marketing strategy to my knowledge, the buzz created when this film was released allowed word of mouth to create much of this film's success. The tv and movie theater trailers along with the endless quotes from the film made all kids want to see it. Though I was born just two years before its release, I remember watching The Sandlot many times in my childhood. Whether it was in physical education on rainy days, or on my couch at home I knew about The Sandlot and so did all of my friends; therefore the marketers and distributers must have done something right. 

If I were to market this film today I would definitely target the film's demographic, KIDS! I would market the film on children oriented websites and cable channels. With extra funding, I would create internet and game consol games for kids to get really excited. The games would definitely feature baseball and "The Beast" in some way. I would make a lot of bracelets and fun stickers advertising the film as well, because kids love games and merchandise! 

The box office shows, people love this movie:

The film grossed $4 million in its opening weekend and a further $32 million through ticket sales. Figures for worldwide, VHS and DVD sales are estimated to be at $76 million. Since its release on both VHS and DVD, the film has become a cult favorite.

This information was found at and

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